Programmes Goals About CDEO


the management group f (tmgf)

CDEO entered into a Memorandum of Understanding ( MOU) with The Millennium Group Foundation (TMGF), a group of benevolent Cameroonians in London, UK, that has been working to improve the conditions of marginalised and disabled Cameroonians back home, since the year 2002.
The MOU stipulates both Organisations must share the TMG ethos of Accountability, Professionalism, Responsibility, Solidarity, and Transparency in the provision of a sustainable solution to the challenges faced by the marginalised in Cameroon, especially the population of deaf children and adults in Cameroon, currently estimated at about 20.000.
Since entering into this Partnership, the CDEO and TMGF have been working closely, to the mutual benefit of both Organisations. The TMGF has visited Cameroon to see CDEO at work and has offered scholarships to a few deaf children at the Ephphatha Institute for the Deaf ( EID), Kumba, a Primary and Secondary/ Technical/ Vocational School. TMGF even networked with the Mwanenguba Association, another Cameroonian group in the diaspora, and this resulted in the offering of a scholarship to a deaf child at EID.
Since CDEO had been diligently observing the MOU with TMGF, TMGF supported the CDEO as they partook in the International Deaf Children's Society's (IDCS) 2004 Small Grants Programme contest. CDEO stipulated that if they won the contest, they would apply the funds granted toward the introduction of a Vocational Training Project at EID, Kumba. CDEO won the IDCS' $10.000 grant and the Vocational Training Project has been successfully executed at EID since the 2004/2005 academic year. In addition to normal primary and secondary school courses, 88 pupils and students at EID have been taught vocational subjects such as Sewing, Carpentry, Agriculture and Animal Breeding to name a few.

Now that the need for Vocational Training has intensified and the first graduates are completing their training in June 2010, CDEO and TMGF are faced anew with the challenge of seeking funds in order to expand training at EID and assist successive graduates in forming Cooperatives within EID that will enable them to become gainfully employed and self reliant.